Remember to book your hotel rooms directly with the hotel 

Reserve your Tables here

To reserve your tables for 2025 please make them as soon as possible. Our venue is able to accommodate from 60-90 tables and advance reservations  can eliminate any disappointed table holders. Tables need to be paid for in advance so we can best size our venue. 
      1. email Mark Ceskavich at   or
      2. print and mail the following reservation form along with your check to:
                  Mark Ceskavich 403 Holly Fern Trail DeLand, FL 32720.
                  Please make your checks payable to: Orlando Japanese Sword Show LLC
                                                            Table Reservation Form
Name ___________________________________________________  Address_________________________________________________
City ________________________,___________________________ State ______  Zip__________ Phone___________________________________________________ email____________________________________________________
Number of tables  __________ Number of extra badges __________ amount remitted $__________